When UX Puts Lives on the Line
To better understand the needs of patients, Moyer works with Pavitra Krishnamani, who is studying to become a physician. One of their projects is the development of a smart patient room that leverages AI technology to enhance and modernize the patient experience.
“I had a chance to learn how my patients perceive their healthcare environment. So much of the work I’ve done so far is as a person providing care, so I understand what happens behind the scenes. Seeing how they perceive that care was quite eye-opening. Taking a step back and looking at patients through a UX lens provided me with insights I never discovered while in a white coat,” said Krishnamani.
“In my time as a clinical fellow, I have found that UX design and medicine are both fuelled by empathy and a strong sense of inquisitive curiosity. As healthcare becomes increasingly patient-centered, our solutions to the challenges we face in the clinical world and healthcare delivery must absolutely follow in the same vein—no pun intended.”